Saturday, July 26, 2008

Competitive Trade

One sided trade agreements by any name are designed to help developing nations develop by encouraging business to make difficult decisions and become more efficient. Decisions on supply of raw materials, effectiveness of plant and machinery, availability of skills and technical procedures and the type of marketing needed. The only solution is to employ efficient strategies that make the business model competitive in targeted markets, noting that even long-term free trade agreements will not support inefficiencies.

Business associations should be totally honest with their members, even to the point of losing them. Many developing nations have traditionally supported an inefficient “so called” manufacturing sector which could not be sustained while getting full access to foreign markets as this would retard that foreign market’s manufacturing sector. So called because a true manufacturer does not have to import more than 50% of its raw (naturally occurring) materials - manufacturing is the process of combining raw materials (farmed or mined locally) into finished usable products.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

More Financial job cuts

The financial sector worldwide is taking the sub-prime crisis as an opportunity to become more efficient, having already invested heavily in technology and communication systems, strengthened their security systems online and trained staff to monitor their online transactions, they are now closing branches and directing their customers online.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crime a Moral Issue

Crime and criminals has and will always exist; slowing the paste of development by impeding foreign and even local investment, reducing productivity and causing the best people to flee the territory. Deferring crime from one community to another seems to be the preferred approach of many charged with dealing with this issue.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Vote for the Lobbyist

Politics is about winning control of a public budget, ranging from small town or municipal to regional or national, provided by the taxation and revenue collection as outlined by the governing laws or constitution. To win, the political grouping must state convincingly and for all to understand, how it plans to use these funds to improve the quality of life for all the constituencies it represents. Having won control, the task is to set priories of budgeted line items as communicated to the voters.