Monday, October 16, 2017


Numerous information is disseminated, via mass and social media, on and about opportunities, evolving out of public sector policies and private sector participation, to foster economic growth. Training materials and courses, educate and motivate participants, on the best sector and industry practice methods. While, internal controls track and measure performance and guide future decision-making. Opportunities, to improve quality of life, employment and investment income, must be constantly sourced, gathered, analyzed, implemented, measured and maintained, and are born out of a single individual idea, prone to very high mortality rates or numerous early period failures, facilitated through taxpayers funding, and incubated into a sustainable growth industry.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Fixing a Nation

The country, the state, the community can only prosper by paying its bills; paying for security, health, education, sport, culture, social services, maintenance and infrastructure. Business and employment are the chief drivers to meet such bills. It is the generated and collected taxation revenue, from such drivers, which must be expanded to meet the spending burden. Economic growth and diversity must, therefore, be forecast and maintained to match (inflation) increasing expenditure. Economic data managed and available, to all taxpayers, is the solution.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Your Nation Needs You

You, the Idea Promoter, the Risk-Taker, the Entrepreneur and Member of SEED (the Society for Entrepreneur and Economic Development), are desperately needed now, not just to rebuild. Your nation and the world needs you, to restructure using innovation to protect future populations and properties. Your ideas and efforts are highly appreciated and very valuable and must be tied to the essential initial contribution and investment. Your guidance and plans are very necessary to achieve the objectives, and therefore, requires powerful relationships with banks, for operational cash flow. Hence, it is you that must step forward to fix the nation’s economy.