Monday, January 25, 2016

Infrastructure Management (An extract from Foreign Direct Investment)

In times of surpluses, savings and investments, especially in infrastructure should be expanded. In times of deficits, infrastructure must be preserved; efficiently utilized and maintained. The nation’s housing stock, buildings and general monuments, public utilities, works and transport, and other miscellaneous items needs urgent attention.

The Ministry of Public Utilities facilitates the effective delivery of efficient, affordable and quality public utilities services through a committed, resourceful team of professionals in close collaboration with all stakeholders. It provides meteorological information and advice consistent with international standards towards the pursuit of national, scientific, social, economic and cultural goals and sustainable development. It is responsible for the inspection and certification of electrical works. Directs and regulates the fare distribution of electricity, water and the management of waste through its allocation to and oversight of State Enterprises. And through its Community-based Environment Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP), focuses on environmental protection, enhancement and beautification in communities.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Human Development (An extract from Foreign Direct Investment)

Good health, sound education, social empowerment, physical activities and community interaction are the essentials for Human Development.

Charged with oversight of the entire health system, the Ministry of Health plays a central role in the protection of the population’s health and in ensuring that all organizations and institutions that produce health goods and services conform to standards of safety. This ministry provides effective leadership for the health sector by focusing on evidence-based policy making; planning; monitoring; evaluation; collaboration and regulation. The ministry establishes national priorities for health and ensures an enabling environment for the delivery of a broad range of high quality, people-centred services from a mix of public and private providers. Healthcare involves nutrition, directs wellness through physical activities, controls drugs through dispensary, manages rehabilitation for addicts and delivers emergency programs through regional clinics and hospitals along with special treatment centers, and is responsible for building new, for expanding and maintaining facilities, and recruitment and training personnel, as stated in the national budget.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Fiscal Policy (An extract from Foreign Direct Investment)

The people must appreciate, the nation, the state, the citizenry, the economy depends on sound fiscal policy, the means by which spending adjustments are made to bring it in-line with expected revenues to influence economic growth, controlled by the elected executive cabinet under the direction of the Minister of Finance. The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is primarily in charge of the national budget and the state of the economy; forecasting revenue and collections, approving and disbursing funds previously allocated to budgeted expenditure, negotiating borrowing terms and conditions within the authorized debt ceilings, retiring debt, and dealing with unforeseen expenditures, all to bring about a fair distribution of wealth or of sacrifice.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Resource Preservation (An extract from Foreign Direct Investment)

Crime, corruption and waste are the chief disincentives to sustainable development and economic growth, falling squarely under the ambit of the divisions of the Ministry of National Security and, for all intents and purposes, are key mandates of the Police Service. Employing numerous Resource Preservation strategies to protect life, guard the borders, prevent and detect crime, investigate evidence of corruption, spot and stop waste of the country’s physical assets. The necessary policies, essential tools and equipment, heavily supported by real-time intelligence and both witness and scientific evidence are addressed in the national budget, equivalent to 14.76% of total estimated expenditure up by 42.89% from the previous year.