Saturday, January 30, 2010

Business or Management

Loosely, the words business and management have been interchanged so often that any misuse is now accepted. “I have a business in town” could mean “I manage or I own a retail store in town”. Management is generally defined as using all available resources to achieve preset goals and objectives. This act of managing is normally carried out by a qualified team or individual employed to oversee day-to-day operations. But the decision to own or invest in the retail sector in that town and the decision to continue the same operation in the same location and the decision to exit or change any aspect of the operation, now, that is Business.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Taxing Money

Movement is afoot to implement a system of, what can be described as, new taxation on each financial transaction worldwide. This move, as a consequence of the global financial crisis, is primarily aimed to curb speculators and hedge funds activities but will also have a direct effect on productivity as longer term financial paper is expected to become more attractive. This tax rate across countries, not on internal country transactions, is basically to be managed by, the last reserve bank to all central banks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as it increases the number of currencies it uses for its base currency calculation. Yes, a single currency for all international transactions.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Food from the Forest

After Copenhagen December 2009, the world is now seeing, understanding and accepting the scientific evidence of the effects of rapid climate change due to industrialization, with record snow fall across major cities in the northern hemisphere and unprecedented heat waves in the southern hemisphere. Nature is speaking and human beings must listen or die. It will not be the weather alone that kills; it will be the wars over basic food. To reduce global temperatures, it is well known that all forest must be protected and quickly replanted. To increase food supplies, investment in different production models is necessary. Many cultures have traditionally produce food within densely forested areas; these method are not widely studied and known, there require new studies, techniques and tools, a joint venture agreement with the native peoples, learning for our past mistakes to preserve the forest and slow climate change.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Social Investments

Every short to medium term plan must be a part of the long term objective. The plans formulated for today’s children, planning the family finances, or improving a nations’ education and healthcare systems, all require a long term vision. Without dreams there can be no future. The artisans’ vision communicated in writing, audio or visual is the key to social development and everyday new ideas are spawned, old ideas are refined and good ideas are funded, making the arts and culture the driving force behind the development of a civilization.