Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Transportation Issues

In the air, there have recently been a number of bankruptcy or forced mergers in the airline industry, as increases in the price of crude oil and general rises in basic cost of living, negatively affect ticket prices. Forcing passengers to postpone or eliminate non-essential travel and requiring cargo customers to rethink their options (instead of overnight delivery of sample products).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Energy cheap & clean

Round and round and round we go, walk into any type of power generation (nuclear, solar, wind, water and steam) plant from main gate to the bathrooms and you will find numerous devices that need electricity (electrons) to carry out its function and backup electricity (off grid) systems to keep them functioning. Yes, so one needs to ask why do we depend so heavily on crude oil? The technology to replace the internal combustion engine, used in automobiles and other power producing machines, is more than fifty years old and commercially viable in mass production and are all better for the environment. Yet, in the car-parks of electricity generation plants there are no electric cars.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Food Availability

While economist have been talking about a USA and global slow down due to losses in the financial sector and the high and increasing prices of crude oil, gasoline and energy, very few had their eyes on the weather and environmental changes and the effect this would have on agricultural yields. Yes Basic Food!

Corn yields have been diverted to produce bio-fuel as a substitute for gasoline, resulting in the further loss of forested areas on this planet and of course, driving up prices of the said corn and other related crops, such as wheat and rice. Who could have seen that coming.