Monday, July 29, 2019

Local Government

Placing Local Government Services directly on every resident’s front door, is critical. The hosting of Local Government elections, throughout the Nation, on fixed dates. Public administrators would design, enforce, monitor and report on the city, town or neighborhood strategic plan. Local or municipal Police officers ready to protect and serve. Health and education to give the best opportunities to all. Social services serving the community. Approving, Building and Maintaining infrastructure and community facilities. A total government approach, with locally available registration and service delivery, centered in a city hall integrated building complex; Security, Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and Economic Drivers facilities, built using move-able disaster protection pods.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Protect and Serve

The mission is to maintain a relatively safe, secure and A Happy Society. Many of the problems and issues that prevent and detect crime, originates from organizational and social concerns. Organizational issues start and stems from the Leadership, the head of the Police Department, to motivate and strategize toward keeping a secure and safe society. A well equip and trained police force, mobile to follow leads and networked to access backups, can only be driven and directed by good intelligence. Social problems arising from lack of Moral Leadership, broken homes, a faulty education system, labeling and ignoring failures, and ultimately, pushing what could be very productive learners toward a life of crime.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Policies before Politics

Creative ideas and policies, to address and to better lifestyles, must be the driving force strengthening any candidate and party messages, to improve local and national politics. A futuristic manifesto, a strategic plan, structured on Human Rights; inclusive of birth and child rights and supported by economic rights. Requiring Lawmakers, elected and selected, to legislate, oversee, investigate and strengthen, constitutional rights, make new laws, rules and regulations, which can be defended. The judiciary elected or appointed to interpret the existing laws, to judge adherence and punish wrong doers of the orders which governs society. And the executive, selected and elected to operate within the existing law, to develop, implement and change public policies. Hence, calling for policies before politics as the nation governmental structure.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Generational Roles

My ancestors, my biological parents, other mothers and fathers, my role models did not accumulate wealth or win awards, in fact, they just barely survived. They conducted their training, their duty, their execution and their changing roles, from day to day, to benefit sustainable progressive goals; protecting, nurturing and educating themselves, moving society forward and improving lifestyles. My generation was brought up with Moral Leadership and Ethical Behaviour noting that, truth and integrity are still worthwhile principles. Future generations can only progress and prosper, by learning, understanding, accepting and following basic long-established human roles; inspiring, developing, building and administering.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Money, Money, Money

In Pursuit of Money! Firstly, money is a very poor tool to measure life but can help in understanding its value. A lifetime of needed nutrition, education and living expenses with family extensions. Secondly, only through such healthy life, can skills and talents be formed, performed and be valued by earning income, money. Next, via such learnt abilities and accessed opportunities, human beings produce and promote goods and services, with attached market supply and demand values, money. The tangible or intangible, fixed or variable, assets are valued via highly complex formulas, which compare like to like, and report progress, money.