Monday, March 26, 2018

Understanding Life’s Issues

Society’s Problems; crime, the wealth gap, unemployment levels, traffic jams, and much that negatively impacts the majority of the population, are described, in general, as issues which hinder positive social development. Understanding such issues is a first step in working out very crucial and essential solutions. The minority report will always offer blame and fixes, which benefit the few rather than the many. However, most of the people that, face such issues on a daily basis, also have opinions, based on facts, which may work. It is worth listening, compiling, thinking, educating and further discussing, such point of views, towards trying out temporary and implementing permanent fixes and answers.

What is Crime? “An unlawful act.” “A stupid, unplanned and badly thought out mistake.” “An act of survival.” Crime can be rooted in a poor education system, which leaves individuals behind, with low self-esteem, poor health and vulnerable to drugs. Drop-outs, who never get back in, becoming unskilled, untrained, homeless, hungry, exposed to abject poverty and suicidal. Many, so-called criminals, are educated persons who fall on hard times and meet others in jail, just trying to survive. It is widely accepted that crime rates increase years after the start of an economic decline, as jobs dries up and unemployment rises.

What is the Wealth Gap? “People who have much more than they will ever need.” “The difference between income levels.” The wealth gap, also known as Wealth Inequality, is the unequal distribution of assets among the population. Wealth includes the values of homes, automobiles, personal valuables, savings, and investments, which reacts along with changes in the economy. Noting that, throughout society a very small percent of the population generally owns and controls the greatest portion of its wealth. Earnings from physical and mental work, wages and salaries, generally are used to meet individual and family cost of living expenses. While, savings and investments generate growth in values and dividend income, wealth for future generations.

What is Hard Work? “Making work hard, it is so difficult to find well-paying jobs and the daily commute is so stressful.” Lucrative employment is created by savings and investments, the wealthy and/or the Government (We the People or Taxpayers) and found via education and experience. Such job creation is determined by natural resources within geographic borders, the skill levels of the population and, of course, being able to finance operations. Extractive industries, where there can be found and developed, Agriculture sectors, where there can be maintained, Tourism and other service-based industries, where there is interest, are traditional key economic drivers, for a people, who Loves Work.

Other Issue surrounding sustainable development, traffic jams, water works, electricity usage, all can be called basic cost of living problems and dealt with by higher personal taxes or more taxation revenue income from industries and sectors, better use of monies collected. Balancing any and all solutions with long-term economic growth or decline, which will affect future jobs.

Business Light seeks public opinions, and gives a voice to the voiceless, to question and understand, to address and oppose, and to improve their lives. Remembering that, society is made up of many groups of individuals with differing points of view. Such solutions, may well come from the bottom up, and can be measured through a Happiness Index.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.