Monday, December 25, 2017

Politics of Division

Politicians, accusing each other of bad management or corruption while in office, runs the danger of spreading hate in a once loving society. This Hate and Suspicion, in a struggling economy, can easily trigger social unrest, insurrection and civil war. The population needs leadership, ‘Better not Blame’. Leadership that understands the important issues and listens to all points-of-view, ‘Decide and Do. Implement a strong programme of economic diversification to stop job losses, prevent business closures, and halt declining tax revenues. Negotiate flat or low growth in public expenditure, with workers' unions, to benefit all the people and rebuild the economy. Deliver essential Security, Health and Education services supported by recurrent cost, infrastructure building and maintenance. Manage debt servicing to yield some future savings, and reduce the nation’s total debt, which would be left to the nation’s grand and great grandchildren.

Monday, December 18, 2017

A Deceptive Smile

Rape, physical and verbal abuse, and sexual harassment are crimes, that are very difficult to prove. Children are taught by their parents to smile and be nice on greeting others. It is natural, in most cases, for males to want a nurturing and trustworthy female, while females to want a strong and dependable male. The power dynamic, however, is the cause of many problems, where one person with influence over another, forces or is accused of forcing non-consenting contact. Noting that, adults, who work very long hours with limited social opportunities to engage, must undergo change to protect themselves and their careers.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Growing Revenue not debt

Individuals, Families, Communities and Countries, all must budget living, happiness, and development expenditure to constantly improve lifestyles. Such basic expenditure must be supported by core revenue collections, not borrowings, in order to be sustainable. Borrowings or loans create debt, with principal repayment schedules and interest charges, adding to the total expenditure. Growing revenue is therefore required to match and balance the increase of total expenditure. This is traditionally accomplished by attracting both foreign and local investment, diversifying sectors and industries, incentivizing and supporting startup business, creating jobs and encouraging Wage and Salary growth.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Governance 2018

(An extract from Foreign Direct Investment 2018)

This category, allocated 4.47% of the nation’s total expenditure, as reported by the office of the Auditor General 2016 and 4.31% in the 2017 revised estimates, while estimating 4.56% for 2018 up by 4.50%, as published by the Ministry of Finance, consist of positions, offices, agencies and ministries that monitors good, moral and ethical, behavior, such as; Ministry of Public Administration and Communications (MPAC) & The Personnel Department, The Judiciary & The Industrial Court, Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, Other Heads of Expenditure involved in Governance, The Office of the Prime Minister, and The President & The Parliament.