Monday, January 25, 2016

Infrastructure Management (An extract from Foreign Direct Investment)

In times of surpluses, savings and investments, especially in infrastructure should be expanded. In times of deficits, infrastructure must be preserved; efficiently utilized and maintained. The nation’s housing stock, buildings and general monuments, public utilities, works and transport, and other miscellaneous items needs urgent attention.

The Ministry of Public Utilities facilitates the effective delivery of efficient, affordable and quality public utilities services through a committed, resourceful team of professionals in close collaboration with all stakeholders. It provides meteorological information and advice consistent with international standards towards the pursuit of national, scientific, social, economic and cultural goals and sustainable development. It is responsible for the inspection and certification of electrical works. Directs and regulates the fare distribution of electricity, water and the management of waste through its allocation to and oversight of State Enterprises. And through its Community-based Environment Protection and Enhancement Programme (CEPEP), focuses on environmental protection, enhancement and beautification in communities.

The Ministry of Works and Transport provides world class infrastructure and transport that supports the development of a ‘united, resilient, productive, innovative and prosperous’ nation; through a motivated team of employees working in collaboration with local and international partners. With its PURE (Programme for Upgrading Roads Efficiency) Unit, a specialized unit of which emerged out of a restructuring of the Ministry’s Highway Division, its Drainage, Construction and other Divisions, Transport which has the responsibility for all aspects of public transportation by land, sea and air, and through State Enterprises and Statutory Bodies, this ministry preserves the nation’s infrastructure. Noting that, Tobago’s infrastructure works are carried out by the THA's Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (DIPU).

The Tobago House of Assembly (THA) is open to any adult residing locally and wishing to stand for election to its 12 seats. A parliamentary model with elected members, the majority is led by the Chief Secretary and the opposition is the minority leader. It also includes four Councilors, three of whom are appointed in accordance with the advice of the Chief Secretary and one on the advice of the minority leader; and a Presiding Officer, who may or may not be an Assemblyman or a Councilor. The Executive of THA is in control of its own budget, receives a statutorily set allocation from the national budget and can earn additional funds independently from that allocation. Appointed Secretaries of Divisions are mandated to deliver, with oversight from the Central Administration, local services.

·         Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment
·         Community Development and Culture
·         Education, Youth Affairs and Sport
·         Finance and Enterprise Development
·         Health and Social Services
·         Infrastructure and Public Utilities
·         Office of the Chief Secretary and Secretary of Public Administration, Information, State Lands and Energy Matters
·         Planning and Development
·         Settlements and Labour
·         Tourism and Transportation
The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government must prepare all regional corporations, borough and city councils to fairly and transparently collect taxes and manage its service delivery based on the Tobago House of assembly model; fully transformed and modernized Local Government system that empowers and enhances quality of life through service excellence.       
  •      Building and land development
  •      Public health and sanitation
  •      Community services
  •           Roads, drains and infrastructure
  •      Burial and cremation services
  •      Information and education
The mission is to formulate policy, act as a facilitator; coordinate and monitor the timely and efficient delivery of services to stakeholders in an equitable and transparent manner.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development must continue to build and maintain affordable housing for all demographics, linking and surrounding with other necessary facilities to build new communities, expand communities into towns and towns into cities.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.