Saturday, June 26, 2010

Inspiring Joe

A recent comment from a regular reader of this column said that the standard of these articles were declining, one would think such a remark brought negativity but quite the opposite, I am pleased to have affected at least one reader. Meeting and listening to people generally as I travel has had a devastating effect on my views as to the future of society, so it is great to hear that my single efforts to educate and inform, to offer an opinion and to provoke thought has been met with some success.

In reply to that particular reader, you know who you are, but I will refer to you as the average Joe. These articles objectives are always stated below, however, its dissemination is poor, it misses its target audience, its limitations on word count causes important omissions and of course, there is a language barrier which is where I focus most of my efforts.

These articles have been freely carried in prominent daily newspapers, sometimes without the rationale, reaching thousands of readers. Print media, books, magazines and newspapers worldwide are transforming to maintain audiences and certainly, profits, experimenting with electronic news distribution in major markets and text messaging in developing countries. Please note that this message may soon only be sent via mobile phone to reach and increase its targeted audience.

The average Joe is over fifty-five years old, works in an office with access to the internet or can afford home or mobile access and is generally, interested in issues that can affect daily life. Joe is literate, is not embarrass to be constantly learning and is specifically concern about crime, natural disasters, politics and the cost of living.

Any experience writer knows that there is an editor waiting to fit your words into a limited space hence, make your point in as few words as possible. Most times I fail miserably at, word count management or in one word ‘pronouncements’, in an effort to be clear and understood, nonjudgmental and encouraging, but the editors will summarize as they see fit.

The language I am writing in is call English not ‘english’, it roots, it punctuation and it syntax combine for others similarly trained to understand me. I am ashamed to state I do not know any other language, code or SMS abbreviations, the language of young english speakers.

So Joe, if the quality of this article is low, it is because you are more educated and informed than most in my target audience and the population at large, I am glad I could help. Sadly, it will only get worse, as I try harder to reach the people that matter, the LOL generation, that the education system is graduating en bloc, with fewer words to make myself understood and hopefully continue to have a positive effect. Joe needs to at least attempt to have a conversation with someone under twenty-five years old and get back to me; I still have more to say.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.