Saturday, May 23, 2009

Right is Right

People make mistakes. We are all subject to the ills of life and will fail to take due care and attention in dealing with certain matters. It is the good among us who will stand up and admit errors, faults in judgment or haste to conclusions. It is the majority of us who will compound errors to defend bad actions or promote others’ bad actions as a defense to our own.

People are both good and bad. I personally believe that all persons are capable of doing good and doing bad when the opportunity arises, as a consequent there are no good or bad people, it is a matter of self preservation. When someone does something good or bad the praise is normally misplaced, from the action to the individual, no person can nor should be defined by an action. The degree of good or bad is defined mostly by publicity, all our acclaimed heroes did bad things but more people knew about the good they accomplished.

People are easily influenced. It is through the glory or scorn of others that guides individual’s decisions. Lead me into temptation; the lure to do the right and fair things and not to do the wrong and unjust things. Examples throughout history have pointed out the negatives of following the crowd, yet present decisions all call loudly for a majority approval. The town crier has never been found to be correct nevertheless, most people find it easier to be led than to be blamed.

People make choices. Most of us plan based on presently available information not realizing that the resulting actions will be judged on future existing circumstances hence, making it difficult to plan. Setting out to do the wrong thing is reserved for the mentally ill among us. Most of us plan to do the right thing, no matter if this right thing is only self-serving, but the right thing is normally the most difficult thing because it firstly has to be seen as right by a majority of people and be right under future examination.

People must speak out. Judge for you will be judged, not only on your actions but on the actions of those you associate with. Time and time again we will be called upon to defend the ill actions of our superiors, peers and subordinates in order to protect ourselves and our livelihood. For those of us who cannot defend a clear wrong doing by our associates the only acceptable action is to resign, disassociate and refute the action calling for the offending individual to acknowledge their error.

People are people. Blind loyalty to others can only make you part of the problem, issues need to be examined in it own context and not assign to an individual’s good or bad virtues. People can be forgiven, actions can be made right.


T.A.J & Associates Company Limited uses this occasion to comment on topics that have been covered, both academically and by the mainstream media, to add its opinion and point out investment opportunity, not to invoke any social action.