Friday, September 28, 2018

The key roles of An OOB

The key roles of An Independent Office Of Budgets (OOB) is to inform the Public on the effects of Proposals & Decisions, to make State Enterprises Attractive to Investors, to dispose of Loss Makers, to predict Economic Growth and Declines and to track Sectors & Industries Advances.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Intangible Data

Data has become a proven intangible asset. Following the industrial revolution, in the 19th-20th century, the Information Revolution, caused mainly by the increasing calculating speed of the microprocessor and the personalized devices it powered, was to be next. Quickly however, it became clear that processing speeds and device usability was not enough, raw data is needed to make useful decisions. Content, created from fact or fiction, is essential to providing results, the seed of which is raw or source data. Gathering and analyzing the raw data produces information. Content, which must be further queried and tested to form actionable intelligence, which drives learned decisions to achieve the desired results.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Preservation or Abandonment?

As a Senior Business Analyst, having reviewed numerous Business Models, I can offer this statement with confidence to the widest audience, “Eco-Socioeconomics is the only measure that dictates an operation success or failure”. Hence, Preservation or Abandonment.

Economic Problems, resulting from Mismanagement, inclusive of swings in Global Pricing, Technological Inefficiencies, and Operational Costings, are the fault of executives, hired and fired by the Majority Owners, failing the maintain the operation’s Competitive Advantage.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Job Creation

As Economists theorize on eradicating poverty, many jobless go hungry. For it is Politicians, from the Executive Branch of Government, who make the policy decisions to implement all needed strategies toward full employment. Elected Politicians, the Cabinet which engages the public service to implement, monitor and report, on the effectiveness of their policies, which will offer a basic standard of living to the public. Healthcare, nourishing and protecting the population. Education, messaging and training the citizenry. Infrastructure, providing essentials for the people. Economic Drivers, must pay for that basic lifestyle, expand the economy to match and surpass the nation’s expenditure, and to supplement Core Revenue; Corporate Profits, Value-Added, Personal Taxes, etc.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Office of Budgets

Economic Sustainable Development and individual Career Enhancement, both lead to long-term improvements in the Lifestyles of the citizenry. Such progress can only be achieved with a long-term vision and must be thoroughly planned and implemented to reap the anticipated benefits. But is very difficult and maybe even impossible to accomplish within a single, short-term electoral cycle. This is only truly possible via an Independent Office of Budgets (OOB) which is assigned to analyze, monitor and report on Financial Positions going forward. Such an Office must be headed by a qualified and experienced professional. A Director and team dedicated and devoted to the independence of the Office. Analyzing economic impacts which Proposed Policies may have on a ten-year Budget. While, approaching the Parliament (Law-Makers) for approval, financial allocations for the next one to three-year National Budget.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Leadership or Education

Human Beings, with proper guidance, are capable of four main roles; Developing, Inspiring, Administering and Building. The popular use of the word ‘leadership’ is contained in and among all these roles. Noting that, such roles are temporary, not a full personality trait, forming only a part of an individual’s existence. Persons having achieved some recognition of success, often did so by transferring and delegating leadership. Confidence, in developed talents, skills and abilities, are much greater attributes. Life’s main roles offers and brings individuals a measure of Success. The Developer Role endeavors to Invent and Innovate. The Inspirer Role attempts to Visualize and Create. The Administrator Role is to Monitor and Report. The Builder Role is to Construct and Assemble.