Monday, April 25, 2016

We, the People

Society is form as groups of groups with multiple rooms of ideological walls, floors and ceilings, each with doors, inviting access and escape, and windows, allowing views and voices. Consider a ground floor housing the poor and uneducated, upper floors are for the middle classes and the penthouse is reserved for the wealthy. Opportunities through education and experience allow many to climb up, at lease to a certain level. Networking and risk-taking can elevate a few over many years to the higher floors. The very top are for those who understand, after a lifetime of climbing, it is not how much money one has or controls, anyone can win a large jackpot, it is about influence and power.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Less Tax More Jobs

Investment Opportunities only exist if it can produce returns on investment (ROI), after paying its legitimate obligations. It must offer Capital Gains – growing the investment value and Dividends Payouts – paying for the use of the investment funds, generating a competitive yield. Such Investment Opportunities create employment; salaries and wages along with its associated taxation, delivering on individual management contracts and collective worker union agreements, similarly spawn other opportunities and donate to the society. These Investment Opportunities call on individuals and corporations, who, after many years of work, have retained excess savings or wealth, to participate in building operations, promising safer and greater ROI.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Security Concerns

Natural Disasters whether or not caused by climate change, notwithstanding, the world is on an emotional edge and high alert, mainly against manmade intrusions from opposing lifestyles, wealth disparities, discrimination, gender imbalance, etc. general security breaches; which must now form the starting point in every strategic development plan. There are so many avenues for mass destruction on a global, regional, national, corporate and personal scale. These dangers and solutions must be publicly addressed and connected in order to sustain and improve standards of living.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Old Friends

 Childhood friends, Martin, Chris, Will and Tom, having gone separate ways, are reunited in their late sixties in a single dwelling complex, to reflect on their lives. Without spouse and children in their daily activities, they again became codependent, having been taxpaying workers, supervisors, managers, saved and invested through numerous financial instruments and pension plans, but never saw themselves as owners.