Saturday, August 28, 2010


In the last contact hour of each and every conference, seminar, workshop, retreat, camp, planning session, etc. that I have in the last twenty-five years had the privilege in which to present, where other presenters would schedule a feedback session, I have always found it useful to interact with participants on the topic of ‘Confidence’. Please note; No mention of this word appears anywhere. I would normally start by losing my jacket, fining a position in the center of the group and posing the question, while participants decide how to react and gather themselves, “Do you get it?”

Many answers come at once, most on the topic(s) I have presented on and some, as you would expect, ask for clarification. From these signals, I point to one who asked “What do you mean?” and repeat “Do you get it?” I let the rumbling continue for as long as a minute as participants now turn to each other for help. Then I resume pointing and questioning “Do you get it?” until one participant would stand and ask “Yes! I get it.” Then I ask, “So, can you give it to the others?” This individual is normally one of the fastest thinkers in the room and has already impressed the other participants of such, now I will see how quick a thinker. I remain expressionless and silent. The answer itself does not matter, I time how long it takes for the answer to gain wide spread acceptance.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Valued Partner

A few weeks ago, a friend and I got an opportunity to spend some time together in a mostly one-on-one social setting, something we did very often but had not had the chance to do in many years. This person and I have amazingly agreed on many topics or at the very least, agreed not to discuss insignificant issues. One topic we successfully seem to avoid is on the value of a spouse. Very few people admit to having selected a partner purely for economic reasons, most confess to being in love but all, in the heat of an argument, will contest financial control. Money is chiefly responsible for the destruction of most committed relationships.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Water Cycles

Water, H2O, Gift of Life, Essential Human Right or any other term commonly used to describe the natural cycle of ice, sea or lake. Surface water evaporating forming clouds, moving to higher altitudes, condensing as rain and maneuvering through the land surface, where it adds to many biological processes and returns to its largest storage condition, ice, sea or lake. Man-made progress has added to the natural cycle of water, for pure convenience (pun intended), capturing rain in reservoirs fed by diverting rivers or drilling well to the water table, treating it and distributing via pumps and pipelines to homes and industries, and in most cases, releasing the waste carrying water back into the water table or directly to the sea.